Voice Of The Voters

Hey everyone At the end of another SNP conference one could be forgiven if one reads the unionist press for thinking that both the conference and the upcoming independence referendum was the Alex and Nicola show. However those of us who are both members of the party and of the broader independence movement know that this is a million miles from reality. The lifeblood of our party and of the broader independence movement is our activists it is with this in mind that I wrote this poem not long after our victory in 2011 the title is voice of the voters I you enjoy the read.

Voice Of The Voters

Having walked the streets of Glasgow
canvassing, leafleting, knocking on doors
we await the verdict of the voters they will speak with their voice
make the choice they believe to be right
decide who they think most able to govern with fairness
this is democracy at work
we haven’t shirked from putting our case to the people
most supporters stay faithful
some converts have been made
others, resistant to change
greet me with a firm but polite refusal
a number are apathetic saying it makes no difference
who gets elected
they claim we are all the same
full of promises and lies we have no intention of fulfilling
In Scotland or Britain
I tell them it doesn’t have to be this way
I can’t get through to them
no matter what I say
they shake their head and sigh
I don’t reply
Instead, I cut my loses
move on to the next house
I receive a warmer welcome
I am greeted with smiles and patter
and most of all I am given the assurance
of votes for the banner.

@ Gayle Smith 2011

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